9155 S. Dadeland Blvd., Suite 1600
Miami, Florida 33156
In the international economy, defense of classic state workers’ compensation claims is only the beginning of a comprehensive workers’ compensation practice. The attorneys at Sioli Alexander Pino not only handle traditional state workers’ compensation claims, but go beyond state boarders to diagnose and defend complex cases arising out of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, the Defense Base Act, and Foreign Voluntary Workers’ Compensation. Our broad coverage of employee injury claims also includes defense of Employers’ Liability or “Coverage B” litigation.

Because we handle claims in a number of different legal arenas, we are able to provide a fresh approach to assisting our clients with defense of state workers’ compensation litigation. Our expertise in resolving complex causation and medical issues in other litigation makes our firm well suited for defense of workers’ compensation matters.

The Defense Base Act provides compensation for employees of contractors in support of military operations overseas. While the benefits provided to injured employees are based on the Longshore Act, causation is more complex under the Defense Base Act. Moreover, many of the incidents and injuries sustained by military contractors overseas are unheard of in domestic claims.

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) covers workers injured on or about the coastline engaged in maritime employment. While the Act was designed to be self-executing, disputes over jurisdiction, medical and compensation issues often arise. Our attorneys have a seasoned track record of successfully resolving and litigating Longshore claims for employers and carriers from the administrative level through the United States Supreme Court.

Defense of Foreign Voluntary claims is a sub-specialty of international workers’ compensation, and present challenging issues that should only be addressed by an attorney who has handled and defended a significant number of foreign voluntary claims in the past, as our lawyers have. We also review Foreign Voluntary policy wording for underwriters and agents. Please contact us immediately if you believe you may have an issue with a foreign voluntary policy, or a claim that is alleged to fall und

Related to workers’ compensation, often called Coverage B actions, Employers’ Liability claims include litigation filed by employees for personal injuries that fall outside of workers’ compensation. Defense of Employers’ Liability claims is often complicated, and involve substantial exposure for both and insured and its insurance company.